The catalogue of all error URIs used by Bondy and WAMP.
Bondy Error URIs
- bondy.error.active_users: when the provided resource has associated users.
- bondy.error.already_exists: when the provided resource identifier already exists.
- bondy.error.badmap:
- bondy.error.bad_gateway:
- bondy.error.bad_signature: when the provided password doesn't match with the previous one.
- bondy.error.http_gateway.invalid_expression:
- bondy.error.inconsistency_error:
- bondy.error.internal_error: when there is an internal or unexpected error.
- bondy.error.invalid_data: when the data values are invalid.
- bondy.error.invalid_datatype: when the data type is invalid.
- bondy.error.invalid_value: when the data value is invalid.
- bondy.error.missing_required_value: when a required value is not provided.
- bondy.error.no_such_groups: when there is a group name that doesn't exist.
- bondy.error.no_such_users: when there is a username that doesn't exist.
- bondy.error.not_found: when the resource with the provided identifier doesn't exist.
- bondy.error.not_in_session:
- bondy.error.operation_failed:
- bondy.error.timeout: when the operation execution can't be performed in the provided timeout.
- bondy.error.unknown_group: when the group with the provided name doesn't exist.
- bondy.error.unknown_roles: when the role or roles with the provided name doesn't/don't exist.
- wamp.error.invalid_argument: when the given argument type or value is invalid.
- wamp.error.no_such_principal: when the given authid does not exist.
- wamp.error.no_such_realm: when the given realm uri does not exist.