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Startup/Shutdown Configuration Reference

Configure options controlling several aspects of what happens during startup and shutdown.


startup.wait_for_store_partitions  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8

Defines whether Bondy will wait for the db partitions to be initialised before continuing with initialisation. This is automatically turned on in case the property startup.wait_for_store_hashtrees is enabled.

startup.wait_for_store_hashtrees  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8

Defines whether Bondy will wait for the db hashtrees to be built before continuing with initialisation. In order for the hashtrees to be build the property aae_enabled needs to be on. This is automatically turned on in case the property startup.wait_for_store_aae_exchange is enabled.

startup.wait_for_store_aae_exchange  :: on|off
Default = onSince 0.8.8

Defines whether Bondy will wait for the first active anti-entropy (AAE) exchange to be finished before continuing with initialisation. In order for the AAE exchange to be executed the property aae_enabled needs to be set to on.


shutdown_grace_period  :: time_duration_units
Default = 30sSince v0.8.8

The period in seconds that Bondy will wait for clients to gracefully terminate their connections when the router is shutting down.

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