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Network Listeners Configuration Reference

Configure the network listeners for the different protocols and gateways.

Admin API HTTP Listener

admin_api.http.enabled  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8


We recommend disabling this listener for production and using the HTTS listener instead.

admin_api.http.port  :: port_number
Default = 18081Since v0.8.8

http.port is the TCP port that Bondy uses for exposing the Admin Rest APIs.

admin_api.http.acceptors_pool_size  :: pos_integer
Default = 200Since v0.8.8

The number of acceptors for the Admin API http listener. It determines how many HTTP sockets can be accepted concurrently by Bondy.

admin_api.http.acceptors_pool_size  :: pos_integer
Default = 250000Since v0.8.8

The max number of connections for the Admin API https listener.

admin_api.http.backlog  :: pos_integer
Default = 1024Since v0.8.8

The maximum length that the queue of pending connections can grow to.

admin_api.http.keepalive  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8

Enables/disables periodic transmission on a connected socket when no other data is exchanged. If the other end does not respond, the connection is considered broken and an error message is sent to the controlling process.

admin_api.http.sndbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the send buffer to use for the socket.

admin_api.http.recbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the receive buffer to use for the socket.

admin_api.http.buffer  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver. Not to be confused with options sndbuf and recbuf, which correspond to the Kernel socket buffers.

It is recommended to have val(buffer) >= max(val(sndbuf),val(recbuf)) to avoid performance issues because of unnecessary copying.

val(buffer) is automatically set to the above maximum when values sndbuf or recbuf are set.

admin_api.http.nodelay  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8

If enabled, option TCP_NODELAY is turned on for the socket, which means that also small amounts of data are sent immediately.

Admin API HTTPS Listener

admin_api.https.enabled  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8


We recommend disabling this listener for production and using the HTTS listener instead.

admin_api.https.port  :: port_number
Default = 18081Since v0.8.8

The TCP port that Bondy uses for exposing the Admin APIs.

admin_api.https.acceptors_pool_size  :: pos_integer
Default = 200Since v0.8.8

The number of acceptors for the Admin API HTTPS listener. It determines how many HTTP sockets can be accepted concurrently by Bondy.

admin_api.https.acceptors_pool_size  :: pos_integer
Default = 250000Since v0.8.8

The max number of connections for the Admin API https listener.

admin_api.https.backlog  :: pos_integer
Default = 1024Since v0.8.8

The maximum length that the queue of pending connections can grow to.

admin_api.https.keepalive  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8

Enables/disables periodic transmission on a connected socket when no other data is exchanged. If the other end does not respond, the connection is considered broken and an error message is sent to the controlling process.

admin_api.https.sndbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the send buffer to use for the socket.

admin_api.https.recbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the receive buffer to use for the socket.

admin_api.https.buffer  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver. Not to be confused with options sndbuf and recbuf, which correspond to the Kernel socket buffers.

It is recommended to have val(buffer) >= max(val(sndbuf),val(recbuf)) to avoid performance issues because of unnecessary copying.

val(buffer) is automatically set to the above maximum when values sndbuf or recbuf are set.

admin_api.https.nodelay  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8

If enabled, option TCP_NODELAY is turned on for the socket, which means that also small amounts of data are sent immediately.

admin_api.https.certfile  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/keycert.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default cert location.

admin_api.https.certfile  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/key.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default key location.

admin_api.https.certfile  :: cacertfile
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/cacert.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default signing authority location.

admin_api.https.versions  :: string
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/cacert.pem'Since v0.8.8

A comma separate list of TLS protocol versions that will be supported At the moment Bondy only supports versions 1.2 and 1.3.

API Gateway HTTP Listener

api_gateway.http.enabled  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8
api_gateway.http.port  :: integer
Default = 18080Since v0.8.8

The TCP port that Bondy uses for exposing the API Gateway managed APIs.

api_gateway.config_file  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/api_gateway_config.json'Since v0.8.8

The filename of a the API Gateway JSON configuration file, which allows you to statically configure the API Gateway with a list of API Specifications.

api_gateway.http.acceptors_pool_size  :: integer
Default = 200Since v0.8.8
api_gateway.http.max_connections  :: integer
Default = 500000Since v0.8.8
api_gateway.http.backlog  :: integer
Default = 4096Since v0.8.8

The maximum length that the queue of pending connections can grow to

api_gateway.http.keepalive  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8

Enables/disables periodic transmission on a connected socket when no other data is exchanged. If the other end does not respond, the connection is considered broken and an error message is sent to the controlling process.

api_gateway.http.sndbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the send buffer to use for the socket.

api_gateway.http.recbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the receive buffer to use for the socket.

api_gateway.http.buffer  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver. Not to be confused with options sndbuf and recbuf, which correspond to the Kernel socket buffers.

It is recommended to have val(buffer) >= max(val(sndbuf),val(recbuf)) to avoid performance issues because of unnecessary copying.

val(buffer) is automatically set to the above maximum when values sndbuf or recbuf are set.

api_gateway.http.nodelay  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8

API Gateway HTTPS Listener

api_gateway.https.enabled  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8
api_gateway.https.port  :: integer
Default = 18080Since v0.8.8

The TCP port that Bondy uses for exposing the API Gateway managed APIs.

api_gateway.config_file  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/api_gateway_config.json'Since v0.8.8

The filename of a the API Gateway JSON configuration file, which allows you to statically configure the API Gateway with a list of API Specifications.

api_gateway.https.acceptors_pool_size  :: integer
Default = 200Since v0.8.8
api_gateway.https.max_connections  :: integer
Default = 500000Since v0.8.8
api_gateway.https.backlog  :: integer
Default = 4096Since v0.8.8

The maximum length that the queue of pending connections can grow to

api_gateway.https.keepalive  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8

Enables/disables periodic transmission on a connected socket when no other data is exchanged. If the other end does not respond, the connection is considered broken and an error message is sent to the controlling process.

api_gateway.https.sndbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the send buffer to use for the socket.

api_gateway.https.recbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the receive buffer to use for the socket.

api_gateway.https.buffer  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver. Not to be confused with options sndbuf and recbuf, which correspond to the Kernel socket buffers.

It is recommended to have val(buffer) >= max(val(sndbuf),val(recbuf)) to avoid performance issues because of unnecessary copying.

val(buffer) is automatically set to the above maximum when values sndbuf or recbuf are set.

api_gateway.https.nodelay  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8
api_gateway.https.certfile  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/keycert.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default cert location.

api_gateway.https.certfile  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/key.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default key location.

api_gateway.https.certfile  :: cacertfile
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/cacert.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default signing authority location.

api_gateway.https.versions  :: string
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/cacert.pem'Since v0.8.8

A comma separate list of TLS protocol versions that will be supported At the moment Bondy only supports versions 1.2 and 1.3. Example: "1.2,1.3".

WAMP WebSockets Listener


Listener configuration is currently shared with the API Gateway. See  :: on|off
Default = onSince v1.0.0

Defines if Websockets PING control message functionality is enabled or not.

This option affects server (Bondy) initiated pings only. Some clients might also initiate ping requests and Bondy will always respond to those even if this option is turned off.

This feature is useful to keep a connection alive and validate the connection is healthy.

Enabling this feature implies having an additional timer per connection and this can be a considerable cost for servers that need to handle large numbers of connections. A better solution in most cases is to let the client handle pings. However, notice web browsers will typically kill websocket connections after 60s and will not initiate PINGs.  :: time_duration_units
Default = 20sSince v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls the maximum time interval that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the Client finishes transmitting a message and the point it starts sending the next. Notice this is not the same as wamp.websocket.idle_timeout.  :: time_duration_units
Default = 10sSince v1.0.0

If is 'on', this parameter controls the amount of time Bondy waits for a ping response from the client. Once that time has passed this counts as a fail attempt (see  :: integer
Default = 2Since v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls how many missed pings are allowed to timeout before Bondy closes the connection.

wamp.websocket.idle_timeout  :: time_duration_units
Default = 8hSince v1.0.0

Drops the connection after a period of inactivity. This option does not take effect when is enabled and times results in a value higher than this option.


For some clients using this option alone is not enough to keep a connection alive as the client will drop the connection due to inactivity. If the client supports Websocket PING control messages, enabled them, otherwise set to on.

Web browsers don't typically support Websocket PING control messages.  :: 'infinity'|integer
Default = 'infinity'Since v1.0.0

Maximum frame size allowed by this Websocket handler. Cowboy will close the connection when a client attempts to send a frame that goes over this limit. For fragmented frames this applies to the size of the reconstituted frame.

A value of zero means un unbounded size (internally translated to 'infinity').

wamp.websocket.compression_enabled  :: on|off
Default = offSince v1.0.0

Defines if Websocket compression (permessage-deflate extension) is enabled or not. If enabled it will be negotiated with supporting clients.

wamp.websocket.deflate_opts.level  :: 0..9
Default = 5Since v1.0.0

Compression level to use. A value between 0 and 9.

  • 0 (none), gives no compression
  • 1 gives best speed
  • 9 gives best compression
wamp.websocket.deflate.mem_level  :: 1..9
Default = 8Since v1.0.0

Specifies how much memory is to be allocated for the internal compression state. An integer between 1 and 9, where 1 uses minimum memory but is slow and reduces compression ratio while 9 uses maximum memory for optimal speed.

wamp.websocket.deflate.strategy  :: enum
Default = defaultSince v1.0.0

Tunes the compression algorithm. Use the following values:

  • default for normal data
  • filtered for data produced by a filter (or predictor)
  • huffman_only to force Huffman encoding only (no string match)
  • rle to limit match distances to one (run-length encoding)

Filtered data consists mostly of small values with a somewhat random distribution. In this case, the compression algorithm is tuned to compress them better. The effect of filtered is to force more Huffman coding and less string matching; it is somewhat intermediate between default and huffman_only. rle is designed to be almost as fast as huffman_only, but gives better compression for PNG image data.

Strategy affects only the compression ratio, but not the correctness of the compressed output even if it is not set appropriately.

wamp.websocket.deflate.server_context_takeover  :: takeover|no_takeover
Default = takeoverSince v1.0.0

Using no_takeover can severely limit the usefulness of compression.

wamp.websocket.deflate.client_context_takeover  :: takeover|no_takeover
Default = takeoverSince v1.0.0

Using no_takeover can severely limit the usefulness of compression.

wamp.websocket.deflate.server_max_window_bits  :: 8..15
Default = 11Since v1.0.0

The base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It is to be in the range 8 through 15. Larger values result in better compression at the expense of memory usage.

wamp.websocket.deflate.client_max_window_bits  :: 8..15
Default = 11Since v1.0.0

The base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It is to be in the range 8 through 15. Larger values result in better compression at the expense of memory usage.

WAMP Rawsocket TCP Listener

wamp.tcp.enabled  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.0
wamp.tcp.port  :: integer
Default = 18082Since v0.8.0

TCP port that Bondy uses for exposing the WAMP raw socket transport.

wamp.tcp.acceptors_pool_size  :: integer
Default = 200Since v0.8.0

The ranch acceptors_pool_size for the WAMP raw socket listener.

wamp.tcp.max_connections  :: integer
Default = 100000Since v0.8.0

The max number of concurrent connections for the WAMP raw socket.

wamp.tcp.backlog  :: pos_integer
Default = 1024Since v0.8.8

The maximum length that the queue of pending connections can grow to.

wamp.tcp.keepalive  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8

Enables/disables periodic transmission on a connected socket when no other data is exchanged. If the other end does not respond, the connection is considered broken and an error message is sent to the controlling process.

wamp.tcp.sndbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the send buffer to use for the socket.

wamp.tcp.recbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the receive buffer to use for the socket.

wamp.tcp.buffer  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver. Not to be confused with options sndbuf and recbuf, which correspond to the Kernel socket buffers.

It is recommended to have val(buffer) >= max(val(sndbuf),val(recbuf)) to avoid performance issues because of unnecessary copying.

val(buffer) is automatically set to the above maximum when values sndbuf or recbuf are set.

wamp.tcp.http.nodelay  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8

If enabled, option TCP_NODELAY is turned on for the socket, which means that also small amounts of data are sent immediately.  :: on|off
Default = onSince v1.0.0

Defines if PING control message functionality is enabled or not.

This option affects server (Bondy) initiated pings only. Some clients might also initiate ping requests and Bondy will always respond to those even if this option is turned off.

This feature is useful to keep a connection alive and validate the connection is healthy.

Enabling this feature implies having an additional timer per connection and this can be a considerable cost for servers that need to handle large numbers of connections. A better solution in most cases is to let the client handle pings.  :: time_duration_units
Default = 20sSince v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls the maximum time interval that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the Client finishes transmitting a message and the point it starts sending the next. Notice this is not the same as wamp.tcp.idle_timeout.  :: time_duration_units
Default = 10sSince v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls the amount of time Bondy waits for a ping response from the client. Once that time has passed this counts as a fail attempt (see  :: integer
Default = 2Since v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls how many missed pings are considered a timeout. Thus, after this number of attempts Bondy will drop the connection.

wamp.tcp.idle_timeout  :: infinity|time_duration_units
Default = 8hSince v1.0.0

Drops the connection after a period of inactivity. This option does not take effect when is on and interval times results in a value higher than this option.

Notice that for some clients using this option alone is not enough to keep a connection alive as the client will drop the connection due to inactivity. If the client supports tcp PING control messages, enabled them, otherwise e.g. web browsers set to on.

WAMP Rawsocket TLS Listener

wamp.tls.enabled  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.0
wamp.tls.port  :: integer
Default = 18082Since v0.8.0

TCP port that Bondy uses for exposing the WAMP raw socket transport.

wamp.tls.acceptors_pool_size  :: integer
Default = 200Since v0.8.0

The ranch acceptors_pool_size for the WAMP raw socket listener.

wamp.tls.max_connections  :: integer
Default = 100000Since v0.8.0

The max number of concurrent connections for the WAMP raw socket.

wamp.tls.backlog  :: pos_integer
Default = 1024Since v0.8.8

The maximum length that the queue of pending connections can grow to.

wamp.tls.keepalive  :: on|off
Default = offSince v0.8.8

Enables/disables periodic transmission on a connected socket when no other data is exchanged. If the other end does not respond, the connection is considered broken and an error message is sent to the controlling process.

wamp.tls.sndbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the send buffer to use for the socket.

wamp.tls.recbuf  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The minimum size of the receive buffer to use for the socket.

wamp.tls.buffer  :: bytesize
Default = N/ASince v0.8.8

The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver. Not to be confused with options sndbuf and recbuf, which correspond to the Kernel socket buffers.

It is recommended to have val(buffer) >= max(val(sndbuf),val(recbuf)) to avoid performance issues because of unnecessary copying.

val(buffer) is automatically set to the above maximum when values sndbuf or recbuf are set.

wamp.tls.http.nodelay  :: on|off
Default = onSince v0.8.8

If enabled, option TCP_NODELAY is turned on for the socket, which means that also small amounts of data are sent immediately.  :: on|off
Default = onSince v1.0.0

Defines if PING control message functionality is enabled or not.

This option affects server (Bondy) initiated pings only. Some clients might also initiate ping requests and Bondy will always respond to those even if this option is turned off.

This feature is useful to keep a connection alive and validate the connection is healthy.

Enabling this feature implies having an additional timer per connection and this can be a considerable cost for servers that need to handle large numbers of connections. A better solution in most cases is to let the client handle pings.  :: time_duration_units
Default = 20sSince v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls the maximum time interval that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the Client finishes transmitting a message and the point it starts sending the next. Notice this is not the same as wamp.tls.idle_timeout.  :: time_duration_units
Default = 10sSince v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls the amount of time Bondy waits for a ping response from the client. Once that time has passed this counts as a fail attempt (see  :: integer
Default = 2Since v1.0.0

If is enabled, this parameter controls how many missed pings are considered a timeout. Thus, after this number of attempts Bondy will drop the connection.

wamp.tls.idle_timeout  :: infinity|time_duration_units
Default = 8hSince v1.0.0

Drops the connection after a period of inactivity. This option does not take effect when is on and interval times results in a value higher than this option.

Notice that for some clients using this option alone is not enough to keep a connection alive as the client will drop the connection due to inactivity. If the client supports tcp PING control messages, enabled them, otherwise e.g. web browsers set to on.

wamp.tls.certfile  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/keycert.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default cert location.

wamp.tls.certfile  :: path
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/key.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default key location.

wamp.tls.certfile  :: cacertfile
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/cacert.pem'Since v0.8.8

Default signing authority location.

wamp.tls.versions  :: string
Default = '$(platform_etc_dir)/cacert.pem'Since v0.8.8

A comma separate list of TLS protocol versions that will be supported At the moment Bondy only supports versions 1.2 and 1.3.

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Bondy and Leapsight are registered trademarks of Leapsight Technologies Ltd.