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Getting Started with WAMP

WAMP is a routed protocol for distributed applications with all application components connecting to a WAMP Router, where the WAMP Router performs message routing between them. WAMP provides two communication patterns: Publish-Subscribe and Routed Remote Procedure Calls.

Establishing a Session

The typical data exchange workflow is:

  • Clients connect to the Router using a transport, serialisation format and authentication method of choice, establishing a session onto a realm.
  • The Router authenticates the clients and grants them permissions for the current session.
  • Clients send messages to the router which routes them to the targets using message URIs.

Routed RPC Message Flows

The clients send these messages using the two high-level primitives that are routed RPC and PubSub, doing four core interactions:

  • register: a client (Callee) exposes a procedure to be called remotely with an URI (also a URI pattern if Router provides this feature).

    session.register("com.example.add", [], {}, fun(a, b){return a + b})
  • call: a client (Caller) asks the Router to invoke procedure from another client by providing the procedure URI.

    Res ="com.example.add", [3, 4])
    // Res = 7

Pub/Sub Message Flows

  • subscribe: a client (Subscriber) notifies its interest in a topic, by providing the topic URI (or URI pattern).
  • publish: a client (Publisher) publishes events on a topic, by providing the topic URI.

Registering a procedure

Making Calls

Publishing to a topic

Subscribing to a topic

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